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The projects



» Project: Empower girls and avoid child marriage in Zimbabwe

Project until:
Support so far:

August 2024

8.086,- €

This project is fully funded but not yet completed.

13 education packages for girls á 622,- € financed.
The main goal of this project is to change cultural traditions and establish structures to protect girls. That is why six major awareness campaigns are being carried out. In order to ensure that children can and complete vocational trainings, parent groups are established in which men are also included as far as possible. In addition, regular parent dialogue are events planned.
Teachers from primary and secondary schools take part in training courses on child protection, psychosocial counseling and reporting channels in the event of a dangerous situation (dropping out of school, child marriage).

Young people who have already dropped out of school take part in vocational training courses, for example in the areas of technology and electricity. Other young people will complete vocational training in agriculture. Since poverty often leads to early marriage, parents' savings groups are founded in which the basics of saving and financing are trained and practiced. Particularly disadvantaged families will be supported in implementing income-generating measures such as animal husbandry.

Cost examples from this project are:
- 177 euros for vocational training
- 148 euros for a complete school equipment for one year
- 440 euros for an awareness campaign
- 1.685 euros for setting up a parents' savings group
- 5.122 euros for the training of 50 teachers on child protection
- 8.846 euros for vocational training for 50 young people

Our goal was financing 35 "educational packages". Each of these packages contains vocational training for one girl in the amount of 177 euros and for another girl the school fees, uniforms and materials (books, writing materials, school backpack) for three years in the amount of 445 euros each; So for a "package" together 622 euros. Since the project was fully financed early, we financed 13 packages for a total of 8,086 euros.

If you are looking for more information about the country or the project, do not hesitate to contact us at:


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